Perfectly Purposed Podcast
A Podcast that talks about God from a RELATIONSHIP not RELIGIOUS point of view. We are all a Masterpiece created in God, by God, for God to do miraculous things in this world through His miracle working power! You & I will never be perfect but we are PURPOSED! Join me as I discuss topics dealing with all the obstacles, fears, tears, inner & outer battles along this journey of purpose. Let me show you how to ALLOW God to use all your broken pieces to reveal the beautiful masterpiece you already are.
40 episodes
Season 2 Finale: God Said What?
Season 2 was FIIRREEEE! When Hubby Steve & I sat down to chat it up about Season 2 we were AMAZED by how God showed up and showed out! In the various topics , divine connections with our guest and especially in the "hard conversations" God ...
Season 2
Episode 39
Season 2: Day Trippin PT 2
The devil's whole plan is to keep our minds focused on the wrong things! Even focusing on something that is GOOD and sounds GREAT according to our understanding can lead us to operate in ERROR. If it is not the WILL of GOD we are on the w...
Season 2
Episode 38
Season 2: Day Trippin
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, what consumes your mind controls your life, mind over matter, the body achieves what the mind believes. There are soooooo many quotes declaring how we should or should not think. The greatest explanation of ...
Season 2
Episode 37
Season 2: False Comforters
True comfort is not lasting when we expect it to be given from people or things. True comfort is found in the unconditional love of God. This week I chat it up about the false comforters that draw us in and then crushes us because they are real...
Season 2
Episode 36
Season 2: "Cancel Culture" In The Church
The social phenomenon that has taken over society has also scooped up the church along with it! As our elders would put it, "there is nothing new under the sun!" Jonah was DETERMINED to have the Ninevites canceled .The Prodigal Son's Brot...
Season 2
Episode 13
Season 2: Hidden In Plain Sight
Many of us are fully functional in society. We go out to work or shop, we chat with new people we meet and we attend social gatherings. Yet most people we’re around don't know who we really are. We don't even know who we really are! This ...
Season 2
Episode 12
Season 2: "Respecters" Of My Faith
People are "respecting" our faith because they are still accepting of us as long as we keep this "Christian" thing simple. But we must ask ourselves do we long to be respected or is it really about being ACCEPTED! Like Peter we are gonna have t...
Season 2
Episode 11
Season 2: Guaranteed Temptation
If you're human this episode is for you. Enticement comes in all different forms for different individuals but one thing for certain, it exist. No matter what we're lusting after its innate to do so because of the nature that inhabits our flesh...
Season 2
Episode 10
Season 2: YOU'RE NET WORTH PT. 2
PART 2 is finally hereeee!!!!! We've also reached the end of our Entrepreneurship and God Series! In this episode I chat it up about Wealth vs Prosperity, finding your OWN DOOR of prosperity and that ugly thing called Idolatry that tends to tri...
Season 2
Episode 9
Season 2: PERFECTION VS PROGRESS (Laverne Thomas)
Author and Life Coach Laverne Thomas joins me this week to chat it up about progress. Something we all look for as evidence in our lives that we're about something and going somewhere. Being discouraged is certain when you don't see what you be...
Season 2
Episode 8
Net worth is a concept most people understand solely in terms of finance. The larger the number the richer you're thought to be from a human perspective. But from GOD'S perspective you're more than a number in every way! He sums up the wh...
Season 2
Episode 7
Season 2: FEARS & DOUBTS (Paul & Arielle Calcote)
It's the fear for me! Fear of failing, fear of wasting time, fear of looking like a fool or crazy, fear of not making it after all the hard work. BUT GOD! LITERALLY! God doesn't call us to anything that HE won't complete! "Being confident of th...
Season 2
Episode 6
Season 2: STAND OUT (Larry K. Agee)
Now you're walking through new doors, now God has enlarged your territory, your standing out big time! But why? Are you standing out for the right reasons? Is it still about God or have you left him behind in a sea of social media likes and ad ...
Season 2
Episode 5
Season 2: PROGRESSION ( Mary L. Vance)
What does "progression" look like according to God? Is it based on the things we have obtained/ put in place or is it based on His timeline in our life? Join Mary & I as we chat it up this week about the real nitty gritty of what progressio...
Season 2
Episode 4
Season 2: GLORY (Nico Brown)
As we continue the Entrepreneurship & God Series we chat it up about giving God the GLORY through finding our purpose. Knowing who we are in Him strengthens our WHY & helps us to not get caught up glorifying things, people or even ourse...
Season 2
Episode 3
Season 2: VISION (Deandra Michelle)
It takes INTENTIONALITY to be the Visionary that God has called us to be. But how do we even begin to see clearly? How do we keep the right perspective? According to Deandra, make God your CEO, CFO & COO!! I'm here for it!! Join us in this ...
Season 2
Episode 2
Season 2: FAITH (Samantha Caballero)
In this episode I chat it up with Samantha Caballero about walking up a never ending staircase with no hand rails.....AKA Faith! I don't know about you but I would need a rope, a shot of courage & no fear of heights! The reality is we're al...
Season 2
Episode 1
Imperfect People
This is episode 22 & the LAST episode of SEASON 1!!!! I can't believe it & I'm going to miss you guys soooo much but before I go I have to chat it up one last time! In this episode I point out 3 imperfect people God used for His perfect...
Episode 22
Mind's Set Matters (Donald Jones)
In this episode I chat it up with Motivational Speaker Donald Jones of Aim High Empowerment Institute. He is the Founder of 143 Speaks LLC & the Host of Journey of the Mindset Podcast where he gives people a safe place to share their storie...
Episode 21
Untainted Purpose (Natasha Delille)
Guys Thanksgiving came early! You got appetizers, the main course, dessert and the leftovers! There is something for everyone in this episode! Are you in a season of an identity crisis? Is it just Good or God? Join Blogger and Lawyer Natasha De...
Episode 20
You’re Approved
In this episode I chat it up about approval and not just anyone's but GOD'S approval! Between King David & Bruce Leroy I share with you the importance of believing who God says you are and not allowing society OR your own insecurities to de...
Episode 19
Release A Sound
In this episode I share with you guys the revelation I got from a devotional called Purpose Through Pain by Chidi Wosu. How does a robin singing in the middle of the night, in the dead of winter relate to us singing during a season that l...
Episode 18