Perfectly Purposed Podcast
A Podcast that talks about God from a RELATIONSHIP not RELIGIOUS point of view. We are all a Masterpiece created in God, by God, for God to do miraculous things in this world through His miracle working power! You & I will never be perfect but we are PURPOSED! Join me as I discuss topics dealing with all the obstacles, fears, tears, inner & outer battles along this journey of purpose. Let me show you how to ALLOW God to use all your broken pieces to reveal the beautiful masterpiece you already are.
Perfectly Purposed Podcast
Season 2: "Cancel Culture" In The Church
Anne Walker
Season 2
Episode 13
The social phenomenon that has taken over society has also scooped up the church along with it! As our elders would put it, "there is nothing new under the sun!" Jonah was DETERMINED to have the Ninevites canceled .The Prodigal Son's Brother couldn't understand why the brother he "thought" was canceled was instead being celebrated. Join me this week as I chat it up about how we need to stop canceling each other within the church and individuals before they even make it in.